Free Tailgate Party Sets Tone for Documentary About Wisconsin Culture
The library will be hosting an event that’s all about Wisconsin.
“Cheeseheads,” a documentary released in 2015, will be screened for free on Wednesday, September 12 at 6 p.m following a complementary tailgate party at 5, courtesy of the Library Foundation.
The documentary follows director John Mitchell as he returns to the state of his youth after twenty years away. Forever a Wisconsinite and a Cheesehead, he returns to rediscover the greatness of Wisconsin from the small town to the big city – and everything in between. While people might think of cheese, beer, and the Packers, there is so much more that Wisconsinites should be proud of.
“I don’t think people feel this way about other states, but somehow there’s a sense of kinship with Wisconsin. People feel like they know who we are as people,” said Library Director Lori Belongia. “You go other places, and people know about Wisconsin.”
Cheese curds and brats will be available during the tailgate party at the 2nd Street Community Center in the Drendel Room. Special guest John Mitchell will be available to talk about his documentary.
“I can’t say enough about his enthusiasm for the whole thing,” said Belongia.
View more info on the documentary at, or watch the trailer below.