Field of Interest Funds benefit a charitable category. One of our funds is called the Chronquist Senior Citizens Endowment Fund. With these funds, the Foundation solicits applications from qualified charitable or non-profit organizations. A committee reviews the applications and awards grants annually.
We have funded 43 grants for almost $40,000 in the past thirteen years. Examples of past grants include: One grant from the fund purchased a new dishwasher at the Marshfield Area Respite Care Center., another grant to the Highground Veterans Memorial help to fund a golf cart that carries elderly and physically challenged visitors around the grounds, another funded two recliners for Companion Day Services, Home Delivered meals and programs at the YMCA especially designed for seniors.
Seniors make up a large percentage of our community and this fund was established to help improve their quality of life.
These grants are another addition to MACF’s long list of contributions to the community, which include Wildwood Station, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, Hackman Field, the Youth Baseball fields, Weber Park, Hamus Park, Hardacre Park, Braem Park Disk Golf, the Skate Park, Boson Tennis Complex, Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center, the ACE Academy, Griese Park, and many, many more.
A tax exempt, non-profit organization, MACF uses public support to better connect those with a cause in mind to its completion while taking care of administrative tasks, and continues to establish permanent, named funds for public benefit.
View more videos on Marshfield Area Community Foundation in honor of their 25th anniversary at this link.