Giving money back is what the Marshfield Area Community Foundation is all about. All of our funds generate charitable donations that go back into the community we serve. The Community Foundation has given back grants totaling $12 million to local non-profits.
The MACF supports programs and events compatible with its mission: Connecting people who care with causes that matter to enrich the quality of life in the Marshfield area. The Foundation makes grants for education, recreational, artistic/cultural, conservation, community enrichment and development, and other charitable or benevolent purposes. Agencies or organizations applying for funds must be serving citizens of the greater Marshfield area.
Community Grants are our best means of responding to new or changing charitable needs in our community. Community Grants are supported by our Community Grants Fund, our Forever Fund, and the Heinzen Family Fund.
Community Grants are discretionary grants awarded annually on a competitive basis. Grants have been awarded for a wide variety of projects. We helped bring Eva Mozes Kor to Marshfield to talk about her experiences in a Nazi Concentration Camp, awarded funds to the annual Cultural Fair at the UW, The Bookworm project in Clark County to make sure every child has a book, to New Vision’s Gallery to help with the cost of transportation so students from throughout the area may go to the Clinic and see the art, to ODC for their community garden and recycling programs, a ball park in Granton, gifts for the needy at Christmas in Clark County.
We also helped Pathway Partners cover the costs of touring many local businesses, and the Marshfield Area Coalition for Youth dinners to help parents learn more what their children may be experiencing in our community.
These are just few of the grants that have been given over our 24 years, we are always looking for your donation to help keep giving these gifts and we are looking for good grant applications so that we may continue to help the community.
Community Grants are another addition to MACF’s long list of contributions to the community, which include Wildwood Station, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, Hackman Field, the Youth Baseball fields, Weber Park, Hamus Park, Hardacre Park, Braem Park Disk Golf, the Skate Park, Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center, the ACE Academy, Griese Park, and many, many more.
A tax exempt, non-profit organization, MACF uses public support to better connect those with a cause in mind to its completion while taking care of administrative tasks, and continues to establish permanent, named funds for public benefit.
View more videos on Marshfield Area Community Foundation in honor of their 25th anniversary at this link.