Petting Zoo Provides Fun, Education for the Whole Family
Kraft’s Kuddly Kritters brings their menagerie of animals to Dairyfest on Saturday, June 3rd, 2017. The animals will be in the Round Barn located on the Central Wisconsin Fairgrounds from 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm.
Featuring sheep, pigmy goats, rabbits, pigs, kittens, chickens, and turkeys, there will be a variety to socialize with. Recently born Mini Black Angus Calves will also be on hand to meet.
Allen Kraft has been running his petting zoo for more than 10 years. Based out of Athens, he has travelled around the state, recently as far as the Green Bay area. After getting established with local Dairy Breakfasts, Kraft decided to add more events.
“I had the animals to do more, so I added company picnics, birthday parties, assisted living facilities and even a wedding. In 2015, we did 75 shows and in 2016 we did 103,” said Kraft.
With many visitors of all ages, the animals are brought up as babies and grow accustomed to people. The smaller pets can be picked up and handled while the larger ones can be pet.
“We have people on hand to to keep an eye on everything,” said Kraft. “The animals handle it pretty well, but we watch to make sure everything is okay.”
Rain or shine, Kraft is looking forward to a busy day with his animals. His animals give people a chance to get up close and personal to many that they do not have the opportunity to see on a daily basis and get a glimpse of the work involved while caring for them.
Animals received necessary vaccinations to ensure good health. Hooves are kept trimmed and fly prevention methods are in place to help with comfort. Kraft spends more than an hour each day feeding, while more thorough cleaning takes place a couple of times each week. It’s a side job that he enjoys.
“I always liked working with animals and mingling with the crowds. It’s a way to get away from the hustle and bustle of life,” he said.
Sponsored by Rembs Funeral Home & Crematory, the petting zoo is free to the public. Full Dairyfest Schedule here.