Stratford Continuing Education Features Yoga and Fitness Classes

Heather Bodendorfer Encourages Everyone to Experience Benefits of Fitness

Stratford Continuing Education returns with a plethora of fall classes featuring different types of yoga and fitness classes. (Full schedule here.)

Ripped 60, a total body workout that focuses on burning fat and altering metabolism, is efficient and effectively designed to strengthen and tone all the major muscle groups and get the heart pumping.

“I focus a lot on correct form and building up muscles as well as getting your heart pumping for an invigorating workout that I promise will make you sweat,” said Heather Bodendorfer, instructor. “Expect a fun, upbeat class. I am full of energy and love to get everyone pumped up.”

Designed for everyone, Bodendorfer encourages people of all body types and ages to sign up.

“You can make the class what you want it to be. You are in charge of your own workout. I always encourage everyone to go at their own pace. If I am going too fast for you, slow it down to a pace you are comfortable with,” she said. “If I am not going fast enough, add in more reps! That is perfectly fine! We are all at different ages and stages in life and I am just proud of anybody who is there wanting to better themselves.”

Bodendorfer enjoys witnessing participants getting stronger and being proud of their progress.

“It’s exciting for me and the participants to see how far they have come from class one to halfway through the class, and they are excited, too, when they can do a wall-sit for a longer time, or do all the lunges as opposed to only half of them,” she said. “I always joke that they all moan and groan about doing wall-sits, but after a few classes and we’ve increased our time – that is exciting to me and to them that they see they can do it!”

Not only is the class a great way to stay in shape, it’s also a fun way to socialize.

“I think having a workout buddy keeps you not only accountable to go to the class, but it’s also a fun way to keep in touch with your friends in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and gives you a break from life to take time for yourself and a fun, energetic way to do so,” said Bodendorfer, adding that exercise is an important aspect of overall health and wellness.

“Having an active lifestyle is so important for not only your overall health but it can also help with mental health as well,” she said. “Anybody young or old, whether you have young kids at home, grandkids, or no kids, keeping active actually gives you MORE energy.”

With the busy lives many people lead, getting and staying active can be challenging, but Bodendorfer said the rewards are well worth the investment.

“The rewards for just taking that one hour by far exceeds a ‘too busy’ life. We ALL are busy, but it’s what you make time for that can really change your entire outlook on life, how you think about yourself and can change the way you think in many areas of your life,” she said. “Working out is not only healthy for you, but it also clears your mind for that one hour, that one, class and can make you a better mom, wife, friend, co-worker.”

Register for classes here.