Reasons to Celebrate Small Bookstores

National Independent Bookstore Day is April 28

With the closing of Bookworld stores across the nation, including in Marshfield, it may seem that the online experience has held sway when selecting the next title. But there are multiple reasons to continue seeking out the physical experience when it comes to selecting a book.

Fortunately, Marshfield still has the independent, Thimbleberry Books on Central Avenue to stimulate the sensations that only a small, dedicated bookstore can provide. With National Independent Bookstore Day being celebrated at nationwide bookstores on Saturday, April 28, here’s a couple reasons to seek them out. 

The Accident of Discovery

Scrolling past the bookshelves, your eye is caught by something. Is it a bird? A plane? Nope, it’s a book! One that you’ve never seen before, because it hasn’t made any bestseller lists or been reviewed in notable publications.

It’s an Unidentified Book Object!

What to do with an UBO? Read it, of course. Scan a few paragraphs, check it out. It could be your next favorite book, or at the very least, you might learn something from that brief glance that will be helpful down the road. Skimming through books is more of a hassle online, so make the most of this exciting opportunity. 

Indie bookstores also offer an eclectic selection. You may find your favorite book with a foreign cover, an ancient edition of a classic, the book club favorite, or an obscure memoir on a fascinating topic. It’s yours to discover.

Leisurely Browsing Over Systematic Perusal

You take down a book and read the description, check the price, and open it up to read a few random pages. At a glance, the process doesn’t sound any different from shopping online, besides the notable lack of clicking. So what’s the difference?

In a physical bookstore, you can’t sort by star ratings or read lots of reviews to make the “informed” choice. The process is leisurely, almost—FUN. It’s not a scientific effort. It’s the difference between walking a path to enjoy the scenery or sprinting it as a means to an end. You’re giving yourself permission to test books on their own merits and what the words mean to you personally, not to a reviewer you’ve never met.  

The Sensory Experience

A thousand shades of ink surround you. A cat sprawls near the fireplace. The cart holding new books squeaks. There’s a breeze as you flick through another page, another world, another time.

Inhale – ah.

One big thing that the online world lacks is the sensory experience. What’s better: a photo of a beautiful place, or actually being there? At the heart of it, this is the difference between online book shopping and heading to the bookstore. The presence of the books add to the meaning.

The Warm, Fuzzy Feeling of Supporting Local Businesses and Authors

Cat employee

One big advantage of an indie bookstore is that the owner and the employees are book lovers and add a personal touch. They can help find what you’re looking for and make off-hand recommendations that lead you to books you never before considered. The cat employees make great greeters.

Peruse the rack dedicated to the works of local authors. Without the bookstore, these publications may have been difficult to discover otherwise due to small print runs or self-publication. Still, someone with a passion for writing found a way to get on the rack against the odds to tell their unique story that might not otherwise have made it out there in the world. A single purchase honors the time and effort of these local crafters.

[Signed copies by local authors can also be found at the Marshfield Medical Center Gift Shop! Proceeds from the gift shop and hospital cafe go toward hospital programs, organizations, and scholarships.]

Lastly, your support not only helps preserve the pulse of indie bookstores, but awards yourself. Your book, chosen by chance, throws knowledge at you that might never have come your way. It opens up a world you wouldn’t otherwise have visited. Most importantly of all, it looks pretty on your shelf.

In Marshfield
Thimbleberry Books
166 S Central Ave (Downtown Marshfield)
Used bookstore offering an eclectic selection.