A new playground at the Fairground offers more ways for kids to play with an augmented reality app feature.
The app, Biba, can be used to play games anywhere, but works best with augmented reality markers installed on modern playgrounds to unlock extra content and mini-games. Activities include a virtual dino dig, seek-and-find, and relay.
In an age of digital distraction, the app was designed to draw kids back to physical play while limiting the amount of time they spend staring at the screen, according to the website.
Beyond apps, the playground also features a scavenger hunt where kids can search for special markers.
The biggest reasons for the replacement of the old playground was both the age of the structure and water drainage issues.
“When the stormwater pond was constructed on the east side of Peach Ave., it was designed so the softball area would act as a secondary storm water collection holding area. This means during a large rain event, the pond will fill with water, and then the softball fields fill with water, eventually making it up the playground,” said Ben Steinbach, Parks Superintendent.
Once the water reached the playground, the wood chips would float away, making fall zones unsafe. To solve the issue, ADA-compliant rubber surfacing replaces the wood chips around the new playground structure.
The new playground can be tested out by the softball fields at the Fairgrounds.