Good Finds Always | Kids Korner

Kids Korner – Good Finds Always

Before today, I didn’t know that I needed a new sparkly pink belt…but I did. It was the perfect addition to my outfit for my daughter’s upcoming princess tea party extravaganza.

Wonderful discoveries like this are always in store for you when you enter Kid’s Korner Clothes & More, 205 W Upham St.

I hope everyone, (especially Moms) is already aware…but for those of you who aren’t, Kid’s Korner buys, sells and trades clothing & accessories for kids, juniors and women, as well as maternity clothes, toys, baby furniture & equipment, and books for kids and parenting.

Ever since I discovered this store, I make sure to stop back at least every couple of weeks to see any new treasures that I can find. Today for example, I spent about $20 and was able to find: a super cute black women’s coat, two women’s dresses, the aforementioned belt, and a party dress for my daughter for the aforementioned princess tea party.

As pretty much any mom I know does, I love to find ways to save money… but that is not the only reason I feel good about shopping at Kid’s Korner. First of all, I enjoy when I can shop local and support local entrepreneurs. Also, I love that this shop is essentially “upcycling”and/or recycling cool items from one family instead of buying something completely new. It helps the environment, puts some money back into another “probably” mom’s pocket and helps that mom clean out their home for new items. Win. Win. Win!

Obviously, lots of other people feel the same way I do because Kid’s Korner recently expanded (check back soon for another article on that!) and gave me much more store to wander through and search out goodies for me and my family. To find out more about Kid’s Korner, check out their Facebook.

Now to find jewelry to coordinate with my new belt…Maybe I will have to stop back soon?