Meet the Personal Development Center (PDC)
Since 1977, Personal Development Center, LLC (PDC) has been helping those that are experiencing domestic violence and assault in the Marshfield area. Their mission as a private, non-profit organization is to help create a community free from the threat of violence. They assist by providing options and resources, promoting safety and building hope and strength through education, advocacy and case management.
Whether faced with domestic violence, sexual assault or elder abuse to name a few, PDC is equipped to help. Executive Director Renee Schulz said they provide assistance to adults and children when faced with troubling circumstances.
“PDC provides comprehensive advocacy and support services to victims and children impacted by domestic/dating violence and sexual abuse, with specialized services for senior and vulnerable adults,” she said. “We assist families struggling with custody and placement issues in the context of domestic violence and offer a safe place for visits and exchanges of children to occur.”
“We are a strong community partner and help connect those we serve with other available resources and services,” she added. “All PDC services are free of charge to eliminate the financial barrier to access services when victims are ready to reach out for help.”
Schulz added that while it’s difficult to predict what each year will bring, a trying economy can create difficulties at home which results in altercations and violence. In the same scenario, others may stay in an abusive relationship for fear of not being able to make it on their own. The scary trend is that these situations are becoming far more severe.
“When the economy is not doing well, we may see more individuals come in for help because high-risk relationships often escalate with increased family stress. At the same time, victims may not come forward during tough economic times due to fear of not being able to support themselves and their children if they leave. What we have seen is that domestic violence and assault incidents are becoming far more dangerous and the level of services needed to help victims and children become, and remain, safe are greater requiring far more time and resources to address the complexities of the cases,” Schulz said.
A supportive staff at PDC holds the organization together while volunteers help to cover other areas. When funding is not guaranteed every year, volunteers are crucial to the success of PDC. They do everything from receptionist duties to fielding phone calls.
On volunteers, Schulz said, “Volunteers are vital to the success of PDC programming.”
On-call after-hours volunteers respond to the emergency room in cases of sexual assault to provide advocacy and support to the victim throughout the forensic exam and interview. On-call volunteers also work with the Marshfield PD to respond by phone to domestic violence calls while law enforcement is on scene. The Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) is designed to immediately connect victims with safety planning and resources for increased safety.
“Our agency is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and our fundraising events (Sheltering Hearts, Golf Event, and Breaking Through Silence on our Block) are all run by volunteers. We also utilize volunteers for receptionist duties and the agency’s IT needs,” said Shulz.
Going hand-in-hand with volunteers providing physical time to PDC, financial assistance from the community keeps the doors open. The above mentioned fundraising events bring knowledge of the organization to the community as well as gain much needed financial support. Federal and State grants are applied for each year and the United Way provides some monetary donations.
Schulz said every little bit donated counts and is appreciated.
“PDC is always in need of increased funding to meet the needs of our community and would welcome any financial donation,” she said. “We would also love to have strong attendance and participation at our annual fundraising events. Participants fleeing an unsafe home environment are often in need of store or gas cards to purchase food and personal care items or get to safe shelter.”
Day after day, the goals of PDC do not waver.
“The overarching goal of PDC is to work in partnership with community agencies and service providers to ensure accessible, confidential, responsive, victim-centered, and culturally sensitive advocacy and support services to keep victims and children safe and work toward a violence-free community,” Schulz said.
In trying times, knowing whom to call or where to go can save a life. PDC stresses the importance of awareness, both personal and in the world around.
For more on what PDC offers, to make a financial contribution or inquire about becoming a volunteer, please visit: