Explore Marshfield – Pepsi Draft & Junior Fair Horse Show
With the Central Wisconsin State Fair beginning August 31, there are some great options for the equestrian-at-heart to enjoy the strength and beauty of local horses through the Pepsi Draft Horse Show and Junior Fair Horse Show.
“The Pepsi Draft Horse Show is a very entertaining show that people will richly enjoy,” said Adam Fischer, Executive Director of the fair. “The Junior Fair Horse Show is very educational and will allow people to learn more about horseback riding. would encourage people to show their support of our young people by going to the Junior Fair Horse Show.”
Each show is a little bit different. The Pepsi Draft Horse Show (sponsored by Pepsi) is a three day show (Saturday-Monday), which highlights large horses that pull heavy loads, especially a cart or plow. The Draft Horse Show was started in 1991.
The Junior Fair Horse Show is a show dedicated to youth (4-H and FFA) that specializes in horseback riding. This show judges the youth on their showmanship concerning riding and taking care of their horse.
Each show is different and has various rules, but both are worth checking out!