Military Appreciation Night at Chaparrals Game

This Wednesday, June 29th, an Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter is coming to town during the Marshfield Chaparrals baseball game at Steve J Miller Park.

As part of Military Appreciation Night, the helicopter will land directly on Reeth’s Field after hovering during the national anthem, and then be available for pictures and tours. In the event of inclement weather, there will still be military vehicles to explore as a Humvee and a Howitzer will be at the park on loan from the Marshfield Armory.

Tom Rogers will be piloting the Blackhawk from its base at the 832nd Medical Unit in West Bend, Wisconsin. Rogers, a member of the Army National Guard for more than 25 years, lives in Sheboygan.

His brother, Marshfield resident Dan Rogers, is an active supporter of the local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapter, and spearheaded the effort to celebrate Military Appreciation Night.

“In talking with the team, we thought it was important to show support for the military and create awareness for the DAV,” said Rogers. “For one, they give so many rides to veterans that can’t otherwise get to hospitals.”

Rogers also thinks it will be a fun night to showcase some of the military’s powerful machinery.

“I think it’s going to be neat, because first they are going to do a little fly-over. Also, we’re going to have the VFW color guard post the colors on the field,” he said. “It’s just a neat opportunity for the community.”

Arrive at the game by 7:25pm to witness the Blackhawk’s landing and join in the singing of the National Anthem. Then, stay to cheer on Marshfield’s own Chaparral’s baseball team!