Explore Marshfield – Hiller’s Flags

Each Independence Day, the City of Marshfield and surrounding communities look especially patriotic thanks to the efforts of Phil and Jill Hiller of Hiller’s True Value in Marshfield, and the work of many volunteers. Every year, the Hiller’s spearhead an effort to distribute thousands of flags into the yards of citizens.

“I think that we owe it to those that have given us our freedom or are preserving our freedom,” said Phil Hiller of the project. “I always have a good feeling after it’s all done- being able to drive the streets and see all these flags in each of these yards. It’s just kind of neat.”

This year, volunteers placed more than 15,000 American Flags throughout the neighborhoods of Marshfield and surrounding communities.

Volunteers could be seen sporting a True Value American Flag t-shirt as they traversed area sidewalks the weekend before July 4th. By the end of the day, Old Glory could be found waving proudly on every street.

“It is fun having these people come together beforehand, eating and preparing to go out,” said Hiller. “That excitement is kind of fun.”

At the end of the day, Phil and his grandchildren went out to finish a few neighborhoods around town. “My 3-year-old grandson had a blast,” he said. “I think actually placing the flag is the most fun.”

The flags are donated by Hiller’s True Value, and supported by donations from Hiller’s and other businesses and community members.

What began with just 3,000 flags approximately 11 years ago has grown in number and expanded in area to include Pittsville, Spencer, Stratford, Hewitt, and Auburndale.

Next year, Hiller’s hopes to expand to Loyal, Greenwood, and Granton.

“If somebody locally would like to take a hold of the project, all they would need to do is contact me and we are happy to do it,” said Hiller.

There are many ways to help support this great community effort. A golf outing will take place on July 16 at Marshfield Country Club, with all proceeds going to fund the flagging. Community members are also welcome to volunteer to place flags, and donations toward the project are always appreciated.

“I do feel that it is each and every one of our responsibilities or duties to respect the veterans, these people that have done their job in helping defend our country,” said Hiller.

Contact Hiller’s True Value at 715-384-9101 to learn more about how to get involved