Drop off Hygiene Items at Festival Foods for Help the Homeless Campaign

Hygiene Item Donations Help Local Crisis Centers

During a time of crisis, hygiene items are often last on the list of priorities. An ongoing Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive by radio station 88.5 FM “The Family” aims to get these items in the hands of those who need them most.

By doing so, local crisis programs can dedicate their limited financial resources to counseling, qualified personnel, food, education, and housing.

The Help For the Homeless Hygiene Drive goes on through March 10th. Items collected help the St. Vincent De Paul Outreach, the Hannah Center, Mary’s Place, Shirley’s House of Hope and PDC Orenda Center.

“Hygiene in particular is something that just often gets lost in the shuffle,” said Store Director Marty Chy, Festival Foods. “It’s a great service for people in need in the community.”

For individuals on food assistance, these benefits may help them buy their groceries, but doesn’t help with other essentials.

“If somebody is on some sort of food assistance, it helps them with their food, but it doesn’t help them buy the toothpaste and toothbrushes that they may need,” said Chy. “It really helps close a gap that’s there.”

The drive continues through March 10 and items can be donated at Festival Foods inside the entrance area. Most-needed items include cleaning supplies, feminine needs, bathroom tissue, diapers/baby care, hair care, deodorant, dental care (no mouthwash), body lotion, laundry soap, kitchen trash bags, paper towels, face/bath soap.