There’s Still Time to Donate to Hygiene Drive

Hygiene Item Donations Help Local Crisis Centers

During a time of crisis, hygiene items are often last on the list of priorities. An ongoing Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive by radio station 88.5 FM “The Family” aims to get these items in the hands of those who need them most. By doing so, local crisis programs can dedicate their limited financial resources to counseling, qualified personnel, food, education, and housing.

In Marshfield, the three agencies who will receive the donations are the Hannah Center, Mary’s Boarding House, and St. Vincent de Paul Society.

“This drive makes a huge impact on the Hannah Center,” said Tricia Fancher, program coordinator. “The Hygiene Drive allows us to be able to continue to provide the basic hygiene items for all the women and children who call The Hannah Center home each year.”

Through the Hannah’s Caring Closet program, families in need in Marshfield and surrounding communities also benefit from the drive.

“The Hannah Center is in need of any hygiene item at this time, so any donations help!” added Fancher.

The drive continues through March 11 and items can be donated at Shopko, Festival Foods, and Walgreens. Most needed items include cleaning supplies, feminine needs, bathroom tissue, diapers/baby care, hair care, deodorant, dental care (no mouthwash), body lotion, laundry soap, kitchen trash bags, paper towels, face/bath soap.