UWSP at Marshfield Presents “Church Basement Ladies”

The popular musical “Church Basement Ladies” is coming to the UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield stage Feb. 7-8 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 9 at 2 p.m.

Under direction for Donna Thompson, talented local actors cook up hilarity portraying 1960s Lutheran ladies church cooks.

The show follows a group of Norwegian ladies of 1960s rural Minnesota who serve the meals for their Lutheran Church’s events and their comical adventures in and out of the kitchen. Under direction for Donna Thompson, the show stars talented local actors including Pat Ellis, Kristin Hughes, Tracy Olson, Morgan Kieffer and Brian Schwieso.

Tickets are $18 and can be purchased online at www.tickets.uwsp.edu or at the box office, which opens two hours prior to performances.