UW Continuing Education Offers Virtual Theatre and Arts Camp


 UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education has moved several of its camps online to keep youth and adults engaged from home!

Youth ages 8 – 16 have their chance to shine in Virtual Theatre Camp’s “The Show Must Go Online,” May 26 – June 12 or June 15 – July 2.  “The Show Must Go Online” is a musical written to be rehearsed and performed remotely! Each actor will receive a scene/song to rehearse, record and upload. When all the videos are played in order, they tell the hilarious story of a group of passionate students desperate to keep their annual musical alive…online!

Lead by Theatre Director, Brad Schmicker, this three-week camp is comprised of a minimum of two virtual class sessions per week focusing on theatrical skills, drama games, enhancing the actors’ performances, props, costumes, show details, etc.  The fee is $35 and scholarships are available.

UW-Stevens Point will also be offering Point Makers Camp online June 8 – 13 for high school students and adults.  Explore multiple ways of making including, drawing, storytelling, printmaking, and designing symbols and patterns.  Channel your individuality into original works of visual art and design.  At the conclusion of camp, the original artwork will be displayed in a virtual online gallery.  Participants can sign up for one class for $95 or multiple classes and receive a discount.  Registration deadline is June 5.

Check out all of UW-Stevens Point’s camps and register online at www.uwsp.edu/conted.