Upham Mansion June Exhibit is All About Barns

One of the Figi's collectible barns on display at Upham Mansion through June.

June Dairy Month is a time to both celebrate today’s industry and remember the heritage of farming across Wisconsin.

Throughout the month of June, stop by the Upham Mansion to view the North Wood County Historical Society’s barn exhibit. The exhibit will debut during the 40th anniversary of the Pie & Ice Cream Social, part of Dairyfest activities on June 1 from 10-3 p.m.

The exhibit includes Figi’s collectible barns made between 1992-2018, which were made as unique containers for spreadable cheese. Roxanne Tomkowiak of Marshfield designed 22 of the barns, most of which were based on real barns she photographed at places such as Old World Wisconsin in Eagle, WI and in Door County.

Also on display will be a scale replica of the World’s Largest Round Barn, built by retired carpenter Bill Haas of Wisconsin Rapids based on original blueprints from the historical society collection. The replica was built in time for Farm Tech Days in Wood County last July and fittingly made an appearance at the the Central Wisconsin State Fair. The replica is .25 inches to the foot, and the real round barn is 150’ across by 70’ high.

Other barns featured in the exhibit will include the Haas family’s German-style barn and his wife’s family’s Dutch-style barn in memory of their childhoods of growing up on the farm.

Upham Mansion is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1:30-4 p.m., or by appointment.

84 Year-Old Wood County Resident Creates Scale Model of Marshfield’s Round Barn