Upcoming #MorganStrong Fundraisers Support Spencer Family

L-R: Morgan Gorst, Becky Gorst (mom), Treven Gorst, Ari Gorst, Jim Gorst (dad), Will Gorst. Submitted photo.

Fundraisers Will Take Place October 3 and December 1

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, something that took on a whole new meaning for the Gorst family of Spencer when early in the month, their son Morgan was diagnosed with Glioblastoma.

Morgan Gorst. Submitted photo.

A 7th grader at Spencer Middle School, Morgan went to the doctor after after a couple of days of throwing up, headaches, and a slight facial drooping. Thinking it might be Lyme’s disease because of his tick bite, the family were shocked after an MRI revealed a cancerous brain tumor.

That began an emergency shunt placement on September 3, followed by another along with a biopsy the next day. Radiation and chemotherapy treatment will take 9 months, his entire school year. Morgan is being treated at Marshfield Children’s Hospital, and St. Jude is providing a second opinion.

The community has already shown outpouring support for the Gorst family to help with medical expenses, under the hashtag #MorganStrong. Spencer Police, Fire and Ambulance took a photo with the phrase, and so did Portage County Fire and Police. A successful apparel sale with #MorganStrong will open again in October for those who missed the deadline or want additional shirts.

“Not to forget about all of the people in the community sending prayers and support to Morgan and his family,” noted Jeana Bennett, benefit organizer and family friend. “The Gorst family is beyond thankful for the support they have received.”

As a football, basketball and baseball player, Morgan has a passion for sports. To support the athlete, Spencer football and Colby School District held a 50/50 raffle, and the Spencer junior volleyball team sold mustache tattoos toward the cause. Those attending a football game in Spencer can also contribute to the donation bucket.

Morgan has two brothers, Treven, 20, and Will, 14, and a sister Ari who is 8. “The Gorst family is very involved in volunteering and have provided endless hours of support to the Spencer Community,” said Bennett. “Giving back is something the Gorst family has always done and continues to do.”

There will be additional opportunities to support the Gorst family at various fundraisers. Nutz Deep II in Spencer is hosting Nutz Deep Gives Back on October 3 from 4-9 p.m. with 10% of food sales donated toward the family.

A large benefit will take place December 1 at Belvedere Supper Club with basket raffles, auction, surprise raffles, 50/50 raffle, music, snacks, and bake sale. The event is casual and attendees can come and go starting at 3 p.m. You do not need to be present to win a basket.

Those wanting to donate a basket can drop one off at Citizens State Bank of Loyal in both Spencer and Marshfield during business hours. Email [email protected] with questions and special arrangements.

“Supporting others in a time of need is something I feel is so important. Our lives can change in a blink of an eye and we just never know when something like this could happen to someone you love,” she added.

Follow Morgan’s story on Facebook at MorganStrong.