What to Do This Weekend In & Around Marshfield
Downtown Friday Nights – Krogan’s Garage (More Info)
Krogan’s Garage comes to bring the jams to the Chestnut Center! Only $5 with beer and wine available to purchase.
Alpine Holiday at Columbus Catholic (More Info)
The 39th Annual Alpine Holiday has something for the entire family. Join us Friday night for our Alpine Fish Fry, and entertainment by doozey followed by Marshfield’s favorite band RPM. Saturday kicks off with an Ugly Sweater 5K, Craft Boutique, cheese curds, concession, desserts and a full day of entertainment featuring Ryan McIntyre the Columbus Lip Sync Competition and the Columbus High School Jazz Band.
Central Chamber Chorale (More Info)
Central Chamber Chorale, a Central Wisconsin group of experienced singers, will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. Central Chamber Chorale performs free concerts at three different sites:
Flu Clinic (More Info)
No appointments needed.People can be contagious with the flu a day before symptoms show, which makes it so easy to spread the illness from one person to another.
Christmas Bazaar (More Info)
Join Faith Lutheran Church in having fun and helping support the PRD Orenda Center in the 2018 Christmas Bazaar. The bazaar will feature baked goods, homemade items, Christmas decorations, homemade soup to go, and Equal Exchange fair trade goods to purchase and enjoy.
Rotary Winter Wonderland Setup #4 (More Info)
Individuals 12 years and older are preferred for set-up and younger children will need to be very closely supervised by an adult.
Celebrate Fall Vendor/Craft Show (More Info)
Come to our annual event where 54 vendors and crafters fill the Oak Ave Community Center with fun holiday crafts and products from various vendors. Free admission. Lots of cash and carry available. There will be food, baked goods, fries, cheese curds and more.
Tony Lucca on Tour w/ Tom Mackell (More Info)
Doors 7:00pm / Show 7:30pm. Tickets: General Admission $25 / Reserved Table Seating $30
Eagles Club Annual Fall Craft, Vendor & Flea Market Event (More Info)
A huge assortment of crafters, vendors, & flea marketers come together with their best displays of products. Open to the public. Kitchen window will be open with luncheon specials. Make a day of it and join us!
Veterans Day at the Highground (More Info)
The Highground Veterans Memorial Park will observe Veterans Day on Sunday, November 11th. At 10am, the names of the 1,244 Wisconsin KIAs/MIAs in the Vietnam War, 877 names of the WI KIAs/MIAs in the Korean War and over 150 names of those from WI who have died while serving in Iraq, Afghanistan and other regions through present day, will be read and honored with the tolling of the Liberty Bell.
The War to End All Wars Veterans Day Celebration (More Info)
Honor those who fought in the Great War 1914-1918. The end of World War I occurred 100 years ago on this day!
Candlelight Vigil and Community Service Project (More Info)
Please join us in honoring the lives lost from Troop 3055 (Chippewa Falls). In keeping with the tradition of the Girl Scout way, we will be collecting non-perishable food items and new/gently used winter clothing to be donated to Soup or Socks. In addition we will collecting cards that will be sent to Troop 3055.
Quilted Ornament Mother-Daughter Craft Day (More Info)
To coincide with the Christmas quilt exhibit, “A Piece-ful Christmas”, NWCHS is hosting at the Upham House 2 days in November where individuals create two, no sew quilted ornaments—one to leave here to decorate the Christmas tree, and one to take home with you! Thanks to a grant from the Sunrise Rotary, this event is free, but spaces are limited to 10 people each day. Call the office to register! Instructors: Schnitz & Vickie Schnitzler
Please call the NWCHS 715.387.3322 to register.
TAKE A TOUR of Upham Mansion (More Info)
Saturday, 1:30-4 p.m. or Appointment
Built in 1880, Upham Mansion, located at 212 West Third Street, is named for William Henry Upham, the 18th Governor of Wisconsin and a man that many credit for giving Marshfield its stable foundation.
Marshfield Historic Museum (More Info)
Saturday 1:30-4
Come see the completed military section of the Marshfield Historic Museum this Saturday. Admission is always free. Located in the basement of the 2nd Street Community Center (old library).
Visit a Marshfield Park (More Info)
From sprawling marshes to small neighborhood playgrounds, there are plenty of places in Marshfield to enjoy the outdoors at local parks, recreational areas, and nature preserves. Discover a secluded walk in the woods, enjoy a round of disc golf, explore a new playground, or enjoy a simple picnic at these local spots.