See the Stars Up Close During UW Planetarium Trip

Explore – UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield Continuing Education has scheduled a trip to UW-Stevens Point to visit the Planetarium and Museum of Natural History on Monday, November 5, 5 – 10:30 p.m.

Did you know there was a planetarium and museum of natural history in our very own neck of the woods? Enjoy a brief lecture highlighting visible constellations in the night sky presented by Astronomy Professor, Dr. Sebastian Zamfir. Then journey through the Milky Way and the galaxies beyond via the planetarium show entitled “Galaxies”.

After viewing the constellations and stars, take a short walk through the Museum of Natural History. Pat Zellmer will discuss the fossil exhibits and close the evening with an insightful paleontology lecture.

Trip registration fee of $39.00 includes dinner, roundtrip bus transportation from Marshfield, lectures and admission.

Register by Oct. 29 at or call Continuing Education at 715-389-6520.