Reis Martial Arts Academy to Host Women’s Self Defense Classes
Reis Martial Arts Academy is offering Women’s Self Defense Classes from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm on February 25th and March 4th. The class is designed so women can feel comfortable defending themselves in the event of a bad encounter. Taking control of personal safety is a strength that cannot be taken away.
Sensei Daniel Reis knows how dangerous scenarios can pop up and feels that confidence can be gained by taking the class. “All women need to know how to defend themselves; the threat is out there every day,” said Reis.
Whether living in a college town or a small community, danger exists. Being aware of your surroundings is a start. The key is to learn what to do before an attack and not after.
Feeding on fear is not the point of the classes, rather it is to empower women to protect themselves at all times. Reis stated that the average age of a sexual assault victim is 15 years-old.
Easy to learn techniques can make a difference when assault is imminent. Oftentimes, when an attack occurs, instinct takes over. Reis added, “They will learn the quickest, most effective ways to get away from an attacker.”
Also featured in the class is determining when you should run and when there is not time and defensive action needs to be taken. Fitness level is not a concern as the techniques are designed for all women to utilize. The teaching setting is positive and the training is effective. Sensei Reis and his instructors have more than 26 years of experience in the martial arts field.
“Take some time and invest in yourself. I teach in a controlled, safe environment. What you take away could save your life. That you can’t put a price on,” said Reis.
The cost for the class is $45 for both days. Please call 715-897-8346, to reserve your spot.