Reierson, Feldt to Perform Last Concert with Central Chamber Chorale

Longtime Director and Accompanist will Perform Final Chorale Show This Sunday

This Sunday, Central Chamber Chorale will perform their annual spring concert, this year presenting “A Celebration of Excellence with Orchestra.”

Not only will the show feature exceptional choral music, the concert also marks the farewell of longtime director, Greg Reierson, and accompanist, Linda Feldt.

“It has been my opportunity to work with some of the best singers in Marshfield,” reflected Reierson. “Many have participated in college choirs, and some even have music degrees. The rest are individuals who love to make music. They all bring their individual talents to the process.”

With rehearsals each Monday and concerts held twice annually, Feldt is responsible for playing the accompaniment for all of the choral works performed.

Photo courtesy of Central Chamber Chorale

“My seat at each concert is the best in the house – being able to see the faces of musicians having fun while performing at their best,” she said. “They also notice that I smile during my favorite musical passages. I will miss seeing these friends weekly. Everyone works hard at rehearsals, but we also have moments to visit and enjoy our friendships.

This Sunday’s concert will feature two major works: the Maurice “Durufle Requiem” and the Dan Forrest “Requiem for the Living,” with the latter being performed with orchestra.

“It is exciting to be able to sing with an orchestra,” said Feldt. “During rehearsals, I have been playing a piano reduction of the orchestral score, but it is difficult to imitate the brass and woodwind sounds – you just do the best you can.”

She added that the Durufle Requiem will be accompanied by piano and string bass.

“It will be very fitting to play my final chorale concert with my favorite bass player – my husband, Bruce,” said Feldt. “He has been so supportive during my years with Chamber Chorale. The daily practice sessions are particularly one of his favorite activities – some of the quiet and soothing ballads provide excellent background music for his naps.”

Although she will miss the weekly visits with the wonderful friends who have come into her life during the years, Feldt is ready to open a new chapter of her musical career.

“This is the time to finish my chamber Chorale work, but as a musician, you never retire,” she said. “Practicing is still required – that’s how I dust the piano keys – and when would Bruce have his naps?”

She and Bruce will continue to play in the UW Marshfield-Wood County Symphony, of which they have been members for 48 years.

Photo courtesy of Chamber Chorale.

Feldt and Reierson commend each other and their fellow musicians.

“I’ve learned much more from them than they have from me,” said Reierson of the Chorale. “Through my tenure with the Chorale I have also crossed paths with many fine instrumentalists, and working with my close friend Linda Feldt for all these years has been a true gift.”

“Working with Greg Reierson has been such a great experience – his rehearsals bring out the best of everything,” said Feldt. “We enjoy his humor, his vocal skills, and his ability to showcase the enjoyment we all have for performing choral music.”