Picnic in the Park
I knew it wasn’t a good sign that as we were walking to “Picnic in the Park” that I felt raindrops on my nose.
But I had no idea…
I had just purchased a yummy hotdog from the Columbus Don’s booth and was situating my children down to eating their food before we got all distracted with games and bouncy houses when it seemed like the heavens opened up and let a deluge of water down upon Marshfield.
I could hear squeals from children and exasperated yells from parents, but could barely see my family group through all the rain. I have never seen so many people run for cover all at once.
We made as mad a dash as is possible with a 3-year-old and almost five-year-old. We passed by several vendors huddled under their booths on our way out of the park. By the time we got back to our car, I was wet down to my underwear. My shoes were so wet that I could feel the water squirting between toes. (I was wearing cotton socks and full tennis shoes.)
So, now I have two kids that were all psyched for eating at the park, playing games and bouncy houses and watching a movie OUTSIDE. Not sure how we are going to find something hiding in the basement from bad weather that will match that experience. Luckily, so far they think the dramatic events were pretty funny. Although, as you can see from the picture, my son was unimpressed by getting soaked during his dinner.
I feel bad though for all the people that put so much effort into putting this event together just to have it spoiled by this weather. Did I mention it was sunshiny almost all day? Apparently no one sent Mother Nature a memo so she could put our Dairyfest events in her “Google calendar.”
Hopefully, the same thing doesn’t happen tomorrow for the parade. Next time I am watching my weather app a little closer…and if I feel a raindrop on my nose I am hightailing it back to the car!
Stay dry and safe fellow Dairyfesters!