Palm Sunday Chorus to Perform on April 9

Annual Palm Sunday Concert a Cherished Community Tradition

Officially founded in 1950, the Palm Sunday Chorus brings together volunteer singers from Marshfield and surrounding communities every year for a concert on the Sunday before Easter.

1949 saw the earliest beginnings of The Palm Sunday Chorus, when Mrs. Valborg Chronquist, conductor of the Women’s Choral Club, invited all vocal music groups in the city to participate in a local Choral Festival. Eleven groups responded and the organization took shape.

The objectives of the Choral Festival were to inspire and stimulate singers, to improve music skills of church choirs and their directors, to expose singers and directors to noted choral conductors, to provide the community with a fitting introduction to Holy Week, and to make quality music available to all in the area irrespective of ability to pay.

By 1958, the organization was consolidated and the use of individual groups gave way to a single, voluntary, ecumenical chorus. A steering committee made decisions about the concert and in 2010 the organization was incorporated. The nonprofit organization is overseen by a board of directors, and the concert is made possible in part by the G. Stanley and Violet Custer Fund.

Allowing for concerts to be free for the public to attend, businesses, service clubs and organizations, and numerous private citizens, have supplied financial and/or in-kind support to assure the success of the Palm Sunday Concert.

Board President Margaret Brubaker started singing with the group back in 1972, having sung for 31 of those years.

“It is a very inspiring way to begin the Holy Week journey,” she said. “It is a triumphal day in church history as well as a foretaste of the crucifixion and the joy of Easter. The Palm Sunday Chorus draws singers from many communities around Marshfield, people of all faiths and singers of varying abilities. It is truly a remarkable event to draw so many singers and faithful audience members together for all of these years.”

The group holds ten rehearsals prior to the weekend of Palm Sunday, with three rehearsal directors: Kathy Biederwolf, Dr. Richard Brunson and Margaret Brubaker.

“We contract with a Guest Director who comes to Marshfield for the weekend of the concert to put the finishing touches on each piece,” said Brubaker. “Selecting the Guest Director is always an interesting challenge, but we have been blessed with wonderful conductors over the years who have taught us and challenged us to become better singers.”

Music for the concert is selected well in advance.

“Our Music Librarian, Jenni Lewerenz, assists the Guest Director in choosing pieces from our vast library of music and we always add a few new pieces each year,” said Brubaker.

The 64th Palm Sunday Chorus concert will take place on April 9 at 3:00pm at Our Lady of Peace Church, 1414 W Fifth Street. This year’s guest conductor is Ms. Lucinda J Thayer, Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities at the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point. Concert is free and open to the public.