Mural Tour and Historic Scavenger Hunt at Hardacre Park

Celebrate Marshfield’s History with Mural Tour

As part of this year’s Historic Preservation Month activities, Main Street Marshfield is coordinating a live Mural Tour at Hardacre Park. The park’s murals were completed last summer by Gene Wesley and they each have a significant meaning to Marshfield’s history and present. Don Schnitzler, a local historian, will be giving a tour starting at 5:20pm on Friday, May 19th.

At 6pm, there will be a family-friendly scavenger hunt where individuals or teams can discover the historic downtown building through their camera lenses!

Each correctly completed entry will receive a prize, but in order to win the grand prize, you will have to get creative. The scavenger hunt will require you to find historic buildings in the downtown. Once you find them, you will take a creative photo or “selfie” with the building. Full details will be given that night. It will definitely be a fun activity for all!

1st Place Prize – $50 to Thomas House
2nd Place Prize – $35 to Royal Toyko

There is no need to pre-register. Both activities are free and family friendly! For further questions, contact Main Street Marshfield at 715.387.3299 or [email protected]


Founded in 1990 by a group of 40 local business people, professionals and city officials, Main Street Marshfield joins other Main Street programs around the country to enhance community identity and heritage, foster a downtown center of activity, and ensure economic stability. As a not-for-profit volunteer corporation, Main Street Marshfield is designed to act as a catalyst for revitalizing the downtown area through concentrated efforts of organization, promotion, design and economic restructuring.