The Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library is closed due to Governor’s Safer At Home order and will remain so through Tuesday, May 26th or until such orders are lifted.
[FAQs: How to Check Out Materials from the Marshfield Library.]
One bit of good news – The library is allowing books and other materials to be picked up from the library’s drive-up window. This is only for materials currently shelved in the library. To request an item, go the library’s website. Find the item you want. Make sure it’s available. Place a hold. When the hold is ready you will be notified by phone or email with a number to call, so you can set up your appointment for pick-up. It’s as easy as that.
Because we know how hard it is to be without your Library, the Youth Services Department is offering programs via Facebook Live through the library’s Facebook page. Below are the following options:
Each Friday on May 1st, 8th, 15th, & 22nd from 10-10:30 am: Story time for all ages via Facebook Live with a different theme every week.
Monday – Thursday, May 4th – May 21st from 7:30-7:45 pm: Bedtime Story time via Facebook Live. A chapter or two will be read each night of L. Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz. The reading of the story began on April 28th, and videos of the previous chapter readings can be found under the video section of the library’s Facebook page.
Each Monday on May 4th, 11th, & 18th from 2:00-2:15 pm: A simple craft will be demonstrated via Facebook Live step by step so that it can be done at home with materials that can be found around the house.
Each Thursday on May 7th, 14th, & 21st from 10:00-10:15 am: Mr. Murray via Facebook Live will review some the newest books added to the Youth Services collection.
For more information about any of our programs, or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact us at 715-387-8494 Ext. 3 or email us [email protected].