Marshfield Clinic Offers Free CPR Course

Free CPR Course at Marshfield Clinic Open to All

Submitted to EXPLORE – Marshfield Clinic is offering a free community CPR session Tuesday, Nov. 7 at Marshfield Clinic Marshfield Center, 1000 N. Oak Ave. The session will be from 5:30-8 p.m. in the Lawton Center R1A/B conference rooms. Use the Lawton Building Entrance.

This is an instructive, hands-on CPR session that reflects the most current American Heart Association guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiovascular care. High-quality course materials will be provided onsite, and attendees can keep them for ongoing reference.

The maximum number of participants per session is 20. Pre-registration is required by Nov 1. To register, use the SurveyMonkey link or call Debra Kuehnhold at 715-389-7559.

This is not a certification course. It is designed for members of the general public to be able to perform basic lifesaving skills. This video-based, classroom session teaches:

  • Adult Hands-Only CPR and automated external defibrillator
  • Adult CPR with Breaths
  • Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Adult
  • Child CPR and AED
  • Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Child
  • Infant CPR
  • Mild and Severe Airway Block: How to Help a Choking Infant

All of the modules will be covered. Participants may choose to participate in or observe each module. Skills are taught using the AHA’s research-proven practice-while-watching technique, which allows participants to practice on a CPR training manikin while skills are demonstrated in the video.