Marshfield Area Pet Shelter (MAPS) to Host Bowling Fundraiser

Fundraiser Benefits Day-to-Day Operations at Shelter

Marshfield Area Pet Shelter will be hosting their first annual “9 Pins 4 Paws” bowling party fundraiser at Rose Bowl Lanes on November 5.

Formerly called “Raising the Woof” to raise money toward building a permanent shelter location, the newly-named bowling fundraiser will benefit day-to-day operations at the shelter, especially medical expenses for the animals.

“Many of the animals come in stray, sick and in need of medical attention,” said Dianne Schalow, secretary for the Board of Directors. “After they are healthy, we then pay to have all our animals spayed/neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.”

Other expenses include rent and salaries. MAPS operates out of two locations, an adoption center at the Marshfield Mall and a care facility at a former airport terminal building. Two full-time employees care for the large volume of animals that the shelter takes in. Food, treats, toys, and litter are all needed for the daily care of the animals, as well as cleaning supplies like paper towels, garbage bags, and laundry detergent.

“We must maintain a high standard of cleaning to ensure the health of the dogs, cats and other animals that are under our care,” Schalow added. “That’s very important.”

Raffle tickets will be sold for a chance to win one of the many raffle baskets available, which include cookware, gift cards and certificates from local businesses, and Packers-themed items. There will also be 50/50 raffles, where the winner gets half the money from the pot, while the other half goes to MAPS.

“If a bowler gets a strike (even a 9 pin strike) with a colored pin at the head pin, they will be given a raffle ticket for a chance to win one of our many raffle baskets,” Schalow said.

Registration will be 11-11:45 a.m. with bowling taking place from 12-3:00 p.m. Team registration is $60 for up to six people and includes shoe rental and three games of 9-pin tap with colored pin. The cost of registration increases to $75 after October 30. Forms are available here.

Besides the fundraiser, there are plenty of other ways to help the developing shelter, particularly by volunteering at least once a week or every other week for 2-3 hours.

“We can use your help! We need to have volunteers that can do the work without constant supervision, and do it well,” said Schalow. “The animals are depending on us.”

Donations of money or supplies are always welcome, and a full list can be found on the shelter website. New calendars are also being sold at the mall location featuring kittens posing with members of the Marshfield Fire Department and Marshfield Police Department.

The shelter also welcomes fundraising efforts from people in the community. In the past, these have come from local businesses, birthday gifts, and even lemonade stands.

“We absolutely love it if someone contacts us and asks if they can do a fundraiser for us,” Schalow said. “Since our volunteers often wear many hats, it’s really nice to have someone else raise money for MAPS. It’s great to see the enthusiasm of people that want to help the animals.”

For more information, please visit or call 715-486-5140.