MAGG Offers Assistance with Genealogical Research
The Marshfield Area Genealogy Group (MAGG) and the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library combine resources for Breaking Through Brick Walls, a workshop for those that have hit a dead end with their genealogical research.
The session will be held on Thursday, April 27th from 5:00 – 8:30 pm in The Felker Genealogy & Local History room at the library. This is not only the regular monthly meeting for MAGG but a chance for genealogists everywhere to seek answers for hard to figure out questions.
Formed in 1984, MAGG was created to promote local family history in and around the Marshfield area. According to Vice President, Jennifer Witzel, researchers use many available assets as they search.
“We really use any resource we can get our hands on: family stories/legends, newspapers, archives, online databases, cemeteries, church records, census data, and now even DNA can be used,” she said.
With about 50 active members, MAGG holds monthly meetings, each with a different topic in mind. Non-members can attend two meetings per year before officially joining.
Getting involved is easy. Visit the MAGG website (, which lists meetings and the topics for each month.
“Come to a meeting or a workshop, talk to us at the Cultural Fair, the Fair, Great Things Are Happening Here, or the other events around Marshfield throughout the year that we attend. The meeting topics are chosen based on areas of interest of members, seasonal topics, and availability of speakers,” said Witzel.
With a universal appeal in a quest for knowledge, Witzel said it’s incredible to look back and see what we were and compare with what we are now. People didn’t have answers at the click of a button and day to day life was challenging.
“When you look at these records and you see how far some of these people traveled to get to the US or you see someone who started with nothing and built a successful farm or business, it humbles you,” she added. “Many of these ancestors of ours left their entire lives behind, took only what they could carry, and knew that they would very likely never see their homelands or their families again.
“They couldn’t search the website of their proposed community or even look it up in an encyclopedia to check it out before they left. They went largely on faith and hope into areas that they had never seen. These were brave people.”
The purpose of Breaking Through Brick Walls will be an informal meeting of the minds. Witzel added that it’s a great introductory point to those wishing to get involved.
All are welcome to bring their challenges and questions to pose to the group, many with uncountable hours of research experience. The workshop will pair experienced volunteers with those who have hit dead ends in their search.
Preregistration is required so that enough materials will be on hand. A light supper will be at 5:00 pm with research and discussion following. Registration can be completed by calling the Information Desk at 715-387-8494, extension 2746.