“Doing together what none us could do alone.”
Almost fifteen years ago, Deb Janz and the Board of Directors form the Marshfield Area Community Foundation saw the value to our community in establishing a Women’s Giving Circle. During the ten years since, the Women’s Giving Circle has given five grants to improve the lives of women and children in the Marshfield area. But what is Giving Circle? What has it done? How can interested women join?
The Women’s Giving Circle is a group of women who have come together, pooled their dollars, decided where it is best to give their money, and have learned about their community and philanthropy. The concept behind of a giving circle is that pooled giving has greater impact on making a difference in the community. “Doing together what none of us could do alone” is a powerful slogan.
Women’s Giving Circle has given out 42 grants amounting to over $50,000 in support for women and children in our community. There have been a wide variety in these grants. For example; the Personal Development Center was funded to help support the purchase of Domestic Violence Education materials, Emergency Energy Assistance was given to economically disadvantaged women with children to help pay for home heating expense during winters in Marathon, Clark, and Wood Counties, Kiddie Kaboose was given funds to aid adolescent parents with child care needs while the parents attend high school and weekly mandatory Adolescent Parenting and Education & Support Programs. Additionally, The Women Helping Others group helped this fund donating proceeds from three of their golf outings.
If you might be interested in giving to the Women’s Giving Circle, just give MACF a call and we can discuss how you can make a difference.
Women’s Giving Circle is another addition to MACF’s long list of contributions to the community, which include Wildwood Station, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, Hackman Field, the Youth Baseball fields, Weber Park, Hamus Park, Hardacre Park, Braem Park Disk Golf, the Skate Park, Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center, the ACE Academy, Griese Park, and many, many more.
A tax exempt, non-profit organization, MACF uses public support to better connect those with a cause in mind to its completion while taking care of administrative tasks, and continues to establish permanent, named funds for public benefit.
View more videos on Marshfield Area Community Foundation in honor of their 25th anniversary at this link.