Community foundations make up one of the fastest growing sectors of philanthropy in the United States today. Our Foundation is one of more than 700 community foundations in the United States and shares the common goal of serving donors, nonprofit organizations, and the community as a whole.
We encourage philanthropy, administer endowment funds, award grants to charitable organizations with the goal of improving the quality of life in the Marshfield area. Our assets are protected and managed the direction of a volunteer Board of Directors. That Board is composed of community leaders.
In creating a Donor Advised Fund, donors retain the right, during their lifetimes or during the lifetimes of other advisors they name, to recommend grants to specific organizations or program fields. Donors may consult with the Foundation’s staff about community needs, programs and agencies. Grant distributions and investment management are handled by the Foundation.
Donor Advised Funds give donors an unparalleled opportunity to:
· Play an active, personal role in their charitable giving
· Enhance their understanding of community agencies and needs
· Benefit from the Foundation’s experience in fund and grant management
· Obtain immediate tax benefits; and
· Build an enduring, permanent resource that ensures perpetuation of their charitable presence in the community.
Current donor advised funds have supported many of our local non-profits and churches. The United Way, Nutrition on Weekends, The Marshfield Clinic, the Marshfield Area pet Shelter, Hope Lodge, the ACEA Academy are just a few of the examples. By establishing Donor Advised Funds, donors have the satisfaction of shaping philanthropic programs that reflect their special interests and concerns. Their giving patterns will guide the Foundation in managing their permanent endowment funds through the years.
Donor advised grants are another addition to MACF’s long list of contributions to the community, which include Wildwood Station, Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, Hackman Field, the Youth Baseball fields, Weber Park, Hamus Park, Hardacre Park, Braem Park Disk Golf, the Skate Park, Tiny Tiger Intergenerational Center, the ACE Academy, Griese Park, and many, many more.
A tax exempt, non-profit organization, MACF uses public support to better connect those with a cause in mind to its completion while taking care of administrative tasks, and continues to establish permanent, named funds for public benefit.
View more videos on Marshfield Area Community Foundation in honor of their 25th anniversary at this link.