Families who struggle to afford to launder their clothing can take a “load” off their mind through Loads of Love, a United Way program where tokens are distributed for use at specially outfitted washers and dryers at Baltus Laundromat in Marshfield.
The program began with a Leadership Marshfield project in 2012-13 that identified the need for struggling families to be able to launder clothes on a regular basis. The group partnered with owner John Baltus to work out details.
“I felt it was a worthy program knowing how kids can be stigmatized, bullied or made fun of if their appearance was not appropriate in the minds of their classmates,” said Baltus. “Kids can be very cruel and unforgiving, and if we could help get those kids into clean clothes, it would be very beneficial for them.”
Having clean clothes, while not typically thought of, is nevertheless more difficult for families struggling financially.
“We felt that this was a very unique and common-sense solution to a very difficult issue that had not been addressed before, and hats off to MACCI’s Leadership group for discovering the problem, and partnering with us to find a solution!” added Baltus.
Find Baltus Laundromat at 1727 N. Central Ave.