Living Actively Longer: Senior Info Fair Coming October 4

The Committee on Aging and Marshfield Parks & Recreation Department will be holding a senior informational health fair called “Living Actively Longer” on Friday, October 4 from 9:30 a.m. to Noon at the 2nd Street Community Center, 211 E 2nd Street.

There will be many vendors to provide products and services that can help older adults live life independently, longer and possibly in their own homes. Marshfield Clinic (flu shots), Falls Prevention Coalition, Marshfield Public Library, Aging & Disability Resource Center of Central Wisconsin, Veterans Administration and many other agencies will be on-site.

This will also be an opportunity to dispose of old eye glasses and expired medications.  Stay for an educational session at 10:30 a.m. on What Aging and Disability Resource Center Can Do For you, Your Friends, and Neighbors.

Refreshments will be served, as well as a light lunch around 11:30, door prizes, and free health screenings will be available.

Additional parking will be available from the Marshfield Fairgrounds parking area at 14th & Vine Street. Shuttle will begin at 9:15 a.m. and run until Noon with both pick-up and drop-off every 15 minutes.  If you have questions, please call Kelly Cassidy at 715-486-2043.