Library Book Club

Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library Book Club

Do you love reading but find that you have gotten in a bit of a rut?

Connecting with a local book club can be a great way to stretch your reading muscles and try something new.

The book club at the Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, 211 E. Second St., might be a good place to start. The group is picking up where they left off after the big move to the new library space in September.

Bethany Pierson, Program Coordinator and the organizer of the book club is excited for the new location and upcoming topics for the club.

“Not only are we holding our regular meetings in the new building, but the first two month’s titles are local authors and we have invited the authors to join us for our monthly meeting for discussion on their books. It has been very exciting to be trying something new for our book club in our new building,” she said.

While the book club has been around since last March, the library move interrupted the momentum a bit. Pierson is hoping that it will start off strong again now that the new library is all ready to go.

“We hope that the ERMPL Book Club will end up being a lasting program in the years to come here at the library and to do so we need feedback from our community,” she said.

Pierson is excited about their current selection.

“We are currently reading Lisa Boero’s most recent addition to her Nerdy Girls mystery series, Kidnappers and Nerdy Girls Tie the Knot. Or, if members are like me, I am reading all three books currently in Boero’s Nerdy Girls series to catch up. It’s a great excuse to finally read the series,” she said.

The book club meetings are the last Monday of every month. However, the next meeting will take place on November 2 instead of October 31 due to Halloween.

At that meeting the author Lisa Boero will be attending to join in the discussion of her own work.

For those interested in attending and joining the book club, it is a pretty simple process. Just stop by the Check Out Desk on the first floor or Adult Information Desk on the second floor and ask for the forms and brochure associated with the group. The group is also free of charge.

The library is also hosting a Creative Writing Group that is getting started up again after the move. That group meets at the last Friday of every month at 10 a.m.

“The Creative Writing Group acts as a place for aspiring fiction writers to meet and discuss their current projects,” Pierson said.

For more information about either group or any other activities at the new Everett Roehl Marshfield Public Library, check out their website and Facebook page.

ERMPL Book Club
Meeting times: First Monday of the month, 6 – 8 p.m.
*October’s meeting is Wednesday, November 2

Creative Writing Group
Meeting times: Last Friday of the month at 10 a.m.