Hub City Ice Cream to Open for Fundraising Groups in December

Flavors Include Summer and Seasonal Favorites

Those missing ice cream can get a scoop for a local cause the first two weekends in December at Hub City Ice Cream Company.

The Rozellville Rockets 4H will be the first group selling ice cream, hot cocoa, coffee, and baked goods to raise funds for educational trips and leadership programs. Hub City Ice Cream will be open Fri. December 1 from 5-9 and Sat. December 2 from 3-9 p.m.

The Marshfield High School Drama Club is raising funds the second weekend for a NYC Broadway and the Arts trip in June 2018. They are open the same hours Fri. December 8 and Sat. December 9th, with an additional day on Sun. December 10 from 3-7 p.m.

Owner Sandy Freeman donates all the ice cream, an annual gesture from the business to benefit different groups, which in the past have included Big Brother, Big Sister and Marshfield Area Pet Shelter.

“We want to give back to the community and help other organizations, and thought it would be a good opportunity,” she said.

It’s also a way for the business to bring its ice cream to Marshfield during the off season. There will be 12-15 different types of ice cream, and a dairy-free option.

“I went with all the flavors that have been the most popular of the year,” said Freeman. These include the seasonal Snap-O-Lantern, a peppermint stick flavor for Christmas, and summer standouts This Just Got Serious, Heaps of Love, and Exhausted Parent.

The staff are trained to comply with food safety and learn scooping techniques. The building is also decorated for Christmas, and its proximity to the zoo makes it easy for those attending Rotary Winter Wonderland to stop by for a scoop.

If there’s any ice cream left over on the last day, customers will have the opportunity to purchase a few pints that will hopefully tide them over until the business reopens on April 1.

“It’s a win-win for everybody,” Freeman said.