Horse-Drawn Vehicles on Display at Upham Mansion

“Horsepower” Show Held in Conjunction With Hub City Days

The Car Show arriving this Saturday during Hub City Days will feature plenty of vintage vehicles, but if you want to go back even further in time, visit Upham Mansion.

The North Wood County Historical Society will be featuring a number of horse-drawn vehicles from 10-3 p.m on July 28. These include the Marshfield Fire Department’s Wagon No. 1, beer wagon, sleighs and cutters, a wedding carriage, and an 1865 hearse. A $5 lunch of brats or hot dogs, chips, pickle, drink, and cookie will be available for purchase.

“NWCHS has been looking for more ways to be involved in community events, and Hub City Days is one that we thought would be a great event in which to bring a historic aspect,” said Kim Krueger, coordinator.

This year, the historical society was inspired by Hub City Day’s popular car show to bring in pre-motor vehicles that represent another era of history.

Attendees will be able to learn more about each of the vehicles. The replica of an old-time beer wagon owned by Marshfield Brewing Co., according to newspaper archives, once won second place for best decorated carriage in 1956 during the centennial horse and buggy parade that August. Marshfield Brewing Co. was later sold in 1965 to Figi’s, which operated it as a side business until closing in 1967, which is why the wagon bears the Figi name today.

The fire wagon, made in Oshkosh, was used by early Marshfield firefighters for hauling hoses before being decommissioned in the 1920s. It was later purchased by a local veterinarian to exercise his horses and then stored by Marshfield Brewing Co. Today, it is displayed at the fire station by the front entrance along with other firefighter memorabilia.

Guided tours of the mansion will be available with a donation at the door.