Hidden Creek Kitchen Serves Community, Sweet Treats

ODC’s Hidden Creek Kitchen Serves Community, Sweet Treats

With the mission to empower people with disabilities to achieve their work and life goals, Opportunity Development Center serves about 500 people each year in Central and North Central Wisconsin, assisting them in obtaining and maintaining employment in the community, receiving training and support within their facilities (in Wisconsin Rapids and Marshfield), and providing other life enriching opportunities.

“We connect people to the community, in employment and ‘outside of work’ situations, to support people in gaining independence and making meaningful connections with other members of our community,” said Pam Ross, ODC President.

Famous for its cookies and other sweet treats is Hidden Creek Kitchen, a business venture started by ODC to provide food service training opportunities for people with disabilities and provide revenue for ODC’s operations.

“We currently operate the kitchen in Wisconsin Rapids, and provide a variety of cookies, baked goods, pies and other sweet treats,” said Ross. “Our customers include the general public, wholesale customers who sell the products in their retail location, and businesses who purchase the products to share with their employees and customers.”

The kitchen is staffed with three staff members who manage the kitchen, provide training and lend support to individuals who there. They also ooperate the “snack bar” (where employees of ODC can purchase food items).  Individuals with disabilities receive training in the kitchen on tasks including food preparation, cleaning, dishwashing, and snack bar operation.

Because of their popularity, ODC recently scaled back its offerings to focus primarily on cookies, baked goods, pies and other sweet treats.

“All of the items are ‘made to order’, so people can call and order, or send us an e-mail to place their order,” explained Ross. “We ask for a 3-business-day lead time so that we can ensure the freshest, highest quality products.”

Meeting what Ross feels is a needed “niche” in the community with its access to delicious baked goods, Hidden Creek Kitchen also gives the community the opportunity to support ODC through purchasing items through the Kitchen.

“Many people who may not otherwise have known about ODC learn about what we do because of Hidden Creek Kitchen,” she said. “ODC’s mission cannot be accomplished without a great deal of participation by our community…as employers, customers, donors, volunteers, and great neighbors.”

Along with helping to spread the word about ODC, Hidden Creek Kitchen also helps fulfill the goal of connected the people ODC serves to the community.

“People with disabilities are members of our community, and have great skills, work ethic and energy to contribute in the community,” said Ross.

For a list of all items available, visit www.odcinc.com or call 715-818-6481. All items can be picked up at either our Wisconsin Rapids or Marshfield location, and large orders can be delivered upon request.

Hint: As the holiday season approaches, Hidden Creek Kitchen is a great resource to check holiday baking off the to-do list!

(Photo Credit: ODC photo of Amara, who trained in kitchen prep work at HCK. Amara is now an employee of the Wisconsin Rapids Fire Department, using the work skills she’s learned to keep the stations clean and orderly.)