Hannah Center Opens Urgent Housing Program

Two Week Program Assists Women in Crisis

On Thursday, March 22, 2018, The Hannah Center Inc. located at 212 E. 3rd Street, Marshfield, WI announced the opening of the Urgent Housing Program. In response to an unmet community need, The Hannah Center Board of Directors and Program Coordinator have expanded services offered within The Hannah Center.

The Urgent Housing Program will accept single women, a woman with children, or a pregnant woman in crisis. The Urgent Housing Program will be a two week program focused on providing the basic needs and support of the woman while she works towards acceptance into the long term Individual Goal Based Program at The Hannah Center. The Hannah Center also currently offers Hannah’s Caring Closet where community members can get assistance with baby and children items and no cost.

The Hannah Center is a non-profit organization that accepts no government or federal funding. If individuals, organizations or business are interested in assisting financially with this expansion of programming, checks can be mailed directly to The Hannah Center or you can donate online at www.hannahcenter.com.