Girl Power Camp Coming to UW-Marshfield/Wood County

Girl Power Camp Designed to Empower Young Women

Girl Power Camp, a four-day camp for girls ages 9-13, will take place at UW-Marshfield/Wood County from August 7-10, 8:00am-4:30pm. The goal of the camp is to empower girls to try new things, explore potential career paths, make friends and have a blast!

“We will focus on problem solving, team building, self-confidence and creativity through fun activities, games, lessons and daily inspirational female guest speakers,” said Rebecca Bauer, program organizer.

Bauer and UW-Marshfield/Wood County Communication Professor Kelly Wilz have been planning the camp, modeling it after a successful program done at UW-Marathon County last year.

Each day will include character and team building activities, science experiments, inspirational speakers, and projects. Each participant will receive a t-shirt, which they will get to tie-dye.

“Girls should attend Girl Power Camp because it will be a memorable experience packed with stimulating activities where participants can grow as individuals and as a team,” said Bauer. “We have terrific inspirational guest speakers lined up, including Marshfield police officers, a vet tech from Marshfield Area Pet Shelter, a mystery politician, and a business owner.”

  • Day 1- Discover the life of women in the police force with guest speakers, Officer Christine Giacomino and Officer Julie Leu. Then, use investigation techniques to solve a mystery at the UW.
  • Day 2- Learn about local government and how you can make a difference in the community with our guest speaker- a surprise politician. Then, do a mock campaign for local office.
  • Day 3- Meet some of the animals of the Marshfield Area Pet Shelter. MAPS Manager & Vet Tech, Kaitlin Loberg, will share what she does and how she got into the business of helping animals. We’ll also make homemade cat toys and do a painting of a cat.
  • Day 4- Hear from Quyen Hom, a small business owner & Professional Photographer on what it’s like to start and run your own business. Develop a basic business plan for a business you dream up.

Bauer encourages everyone to help spread the word about this unique opportunity for young women.

“This is UW-Marshfield/Wood County’s first Girl Power Camp and we need the community’s help to get the word out. Please share the event with friends & family,” said Bauer.

“Like UW-Marshfield/Wood County Continuing Education on Facebook and share our Facebook event. We will also be donating items to Marshfield Area Pet Shelter, so if anyone wants to drop items off to the Continuing Education Office, we would appreciate that as well,” she added.

Participants can register online at or by calling 715-389-6520. The registration deadline is July 31. Early registration is appreciated. The fee is $165 (includes T-shirt, daily snacks and all supplies).