Festival Foods Paw Away Hunger Program Valuable to Marshfield Area Pet Shelter


Through its Paw Away Hunger program, Festival Foods has been able to donate much-needed supplies to pet shelters, raising almost $82,000 in 2018.

“At Festival Foods checkouts throughout Wisconsin, shoppers and guests have an opportunity to support local food pantries and animal organizations by simply adding a donation to their grocery totals,” said John LaFlash, Grocery Leader.

The $5 and $10 cards available at the register are used to purchase supplies for nonprofits like Marshfield Area Pet Shelter to assist in their mission of helping find forever homes for lost and abandoned animals.

“We are so grateful for caring businesses like Festival Foods and thoughtful people who actively participate in the Paw Away Hunger program,” said Karen Rau, MAPS Executive Director. “We take in hundreds of animals every year, and these quarterly donations from Festival Foods saves us thousands of dollars every year in supply costs.”

Festival Foods reaches out quarterly to MAPS to check in on what supplies are most needed.

“We are honored to fill them and ensure programs like MAPS have support!” said LaFlash.

Besides helping to put together the supplies through Paw Away Hunger, recently LaFlash adopted an energetic 5-month old puppy named Moon Boots from MAPS after seeing a Facebook post on their page.

Luna and Roxy

“My girlfriend Megan and I have been looking for a younger dog or puppy for a couple weeks so that our 13-year-old Belgian Malinois, which is a retired K9 named Roxy, had company and could help train the new puppy to our routines,” he said. “After I saw the post, I contacted Dianne and Karen at MAPS to apply for adoption, which happened quickly and smoothly.”

Rechristened Luna, the Coonhound mix puppy has adjusted well to her new forever home.

“She has a lot of energy and currently doesn’t sit still long,” he said, “but training is coming along well.”

Currently, Marshfield Area Pet Shelter could use donations of the following supplies:

-Fresh Step or Tidy Cat Scoopable Litter
-Purina Cat & Kitten Food
-Mr Clean or Spic & Span Liquid Cleaner
-Clorox/Lysol Wipes
-Paper Towel
-Tide HE Detergent
-Unscented Fabric Softener
-Lint Rollers / Refills
-Germ-X Hand Sanitizer (large bottles)
-Garbage Bags (50 gallon)