Mental Illness affects 1 out of every 5 Americans, and in an effort to bring awareness to this serious issue and to provide a hopeful message for all people affected by mental health challenges, the 7th annual Mike’s Run will take place on June 24, 2017 in Marshfield.
Al Nystrom has been one of the event organizers since his family and friends started Mike’s Run seven years ago.  
“We are inspired by the memory of Mike Hackman, a close friend of our family who took his own life after a lifelong battle with mental illness,” said Nystrom. “After Mike’s death, his brother Mark approached me with the idea of holding a run/walk in Mike’s memory. We immediately approached Marshfield Clinic to ask for their support, and we have been working together ever since.”
Anna-HackmanSince 2010, friends and family of Hackman have partnered with Marshfield Clinic to raise more than $225,000 to support mental health education.
“Together, we have raised money for community education, professional conferences, mental health support groups, suicide prevention training, and many other services,” said Nystrom, adding that the group has funded suicide prevention training for more than 800 people, including an entire class of 7th graders.. “Mental illness is poorly understood and often stigmatized in our society.   This event helps us educate our community, which will lead to more compassion and care for those who are struggling with this illness.”  
Nystrom believes there is great power in 400+ people joining together for a common cause.  “Mike’s Run is a statement that you need not battle mental illness alone,” he said. “In addition, we spread awareness throughout the year through the community presentations and outreach that are funded by Mike’s Run.”
MAC_0491Participants can choose the 5-mile race or 2-mile walk route. An awards presentation will follow, with food and beverage available. There will be a post-race celebration at Nutz Deep II.
Nystrom welcomes anyone who shares a passion for improving the mental health of our community.
“We need volunteers, runners, walkers and sponsors,” he said. “The awareness and compassion for those with mental illness has come a long way since we started seven years ago. It is gratifying to see the extensive coverage of mental illness by the media, and the increased focus on mental health at all levels of government. We hope to add to that conversation in our community. There is still a long way to go, but it feels like we are shining more light on this health issue every day.”
Registration for Mike’s Run 2017 is now open, and participants can register online at  
Donations and sponsorship pledges are also being accepted at this time, with proceeds to benefit menta​l health services at Marshfield Clinic, including family resources, support groups new treatment options, and awareness campaigns. Volunteers and sponsors may contact [email protected].

Race information:

  • 5-mile run
  • ​$25 registration fee.
  • Route on bike/walking trail and on neighborhood streets.
  • Cash prizes awarded for top finishers.  High school athletes are not eligible to win cash prizes per WIAA regulations.
  • Medals awarded in select age groups for top finishers.
  • No walkers, rollerbladers or strollers on this course.

2-Mile Fun Run/Walk

  • 2-mile run/walk
  • $20 registration fee.
  • Route on bike/walking trail.
  • Families and strollers welcome.
​For more information contact:​​​​
​​Marshfield Clinic Health Systems Foundation
1000 North Oak Ave – 1R1
Marshfield, WI  54449-5777