Donate to Local Food Pantries Through the Mailbox May 11

Stocking the shelves at local food pantries becomes as easy as mailing a letter when the annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive returns on Saturday, May 11.

On that day, letter carriers across the country gather food donations from mailboxes along with the regular mail, just in time for summer.

“We depend on the spring drives to meet summer needs, which typically increase. Over 70 families with children depended on the food pantries in 2018 for food when their children were home from school,” said Cheryl Lewis Hartl, Soup or Socks Director. “We hope to be able to provide the extras again this summer, along with meeting the regular needs presented.”

Nearly 15,000 pounds of unexpired food was collected through the drive last year locally, which are split evenly between Soup or Socks and St. Vincent de Paul. Helpful donations include saltines, jelly, rice, rice mixes, and other non-perishable items.

To participate in the drive, place the donation in a bag near or inside the mailbox, or drop off donations directly at First Presbyterian Church in Marshfield from 8-6 p.m. For safety reasons, avoid glass jars. Also, check labels to make sure the items have not expired, otherwise the donation cannot be used.

Volunteers are needed to help sort the donations at the church. If interested, contact Soup or Socks at 715-387-1796 or St. Vincent de Paul at 715-387-4425.