Discover New Hobbies through UW Community Classes
Experience personal enrichment through any number of classes offered by Continuing Education through UW-Marshfield Wood County. The Winter/Spring 2018 Catalog is now available online. Register online at or by calling 715-389-6520.
Covering a wide variety of topics in arts, history, professionalism, music, exercise, technology, and much more, Continuing Education is a chance to learn new hobbies, pick up skills, and plan for the future. Here is an overview of what is offered:
Gymnasts from as young as 18 months old can learn more about gymnastics in a variety of classes for different age groups. Youth can also participate in a babysitter training course, volleyball, and theater (Robin Hood).
Learn the basics of ballroom dance in three courses and put your skills to use at an open dance on Friday night. Get outdoors for a snowshoeing afternoon and learn how to properly snowshoe, or cross country ski at School Forest.
Develop as a professional through the Lunch & Learn Series covering topics of leadership styles and workplace diversity.
For artists, there’s the canvas and corks classes. Sip a glass of wine while creating a fun piece of art for home. Explore different mediums through Mixed Media art, using ink, watercolor, oil pastels, and colored pencils, learning the basics of each. Get better at photography with Photography Boot Camp and Photoshop Boot Camp.
The musician can learn ukulele, guitar, bass guitar, and banjo. Students will learn techniques and how to tune.
Film fanatics have three options to view independent films through the Dinner and a Movie events, featuring food related to the region the movie is set: Case Histories, The Jingle Dress, and Captain Fantastic.
A series of lectures will pique the interest of those interested in culture, history, personal finance, and psychology. Learn about Iran culture, Abraham Lincoln vs Adolf Hitler, cooking with wine, hemp production, the brain and Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll, and Retirement planning.