Burns Insurance Agency Seeks Winter Clothing Donations

Burns Insurance Agency Collects Winter Clothing for Needy in Community

The weather is turning chilly and most of us are digging out the warm jackets and mittens out of our closets.

Unfortunately, not all people or families are lucky enough to have or afford the warm items they need to protect themselves against a formidable Wisconsin winter.

That’s where leaders at the local Burns Insurance Agency thought they could help.

“We are collecting for the needy and homeless in our surrounding area.  There are many people that are in need and we want to make sure they are warm.  Many people are too proud to ask for help so we are trying to make it as easy as possible to get these items into their hands,” President Cindy Burns said.

The company is hosting a coat drive now through December 15. They are collecting coats, hats, mittens, gloves and socks for those in need.

It is easy to participate! Burns said just go into your closets and collect the items you are no longer using and bring them down to Burns Insurance Agency, 500 S. Central Ave. They will take care of the rest.

Once the drive is over, Burns said they will be working with the Marshfield Area United Way, Marshfield Community Foundation, and Soup or Socks to distribute the clothing to those that need it.

The cause of homelessness is one that is close to their heart.

“We feel it’s the right thing to do.  We know a lot of people and we have a passion in our office to take care of the needy and homeless,” she said.

She hopes that many people in the community will participate in their drive, which is in its 3rd year.

“When you help others out, it gives you a great feeling that you are helping someone out.  You get back so much more than what you give,” Burns said.

One of the benefits of being a local business is the ability to give back to the community you serve.

“Those of us that are fortunate enough to be in business in this community need to be great ambassadors in the community,” she said.

Burns hopes that they have a successful drive this year and can help as many people as possible.

“Let’s keep Central Wisconsin warm!  Please pass this on to your family and friends,” she said.