You know there is a lot that can be negative about social media. Hiding behind the blue glow of their computer screens, people can type really icky words about their fellow man or woman.
But the thing that I LOVE about social media is how you can truly share your life with others, some of the joy and definitely some of the struggles. And when you share a struggle, you give your friends, and their friends and people you barely know…you give them all the chance to support you and love you and even help you financially sometimes.
We all have seen this all across our social media feeds…but one case stands out especially to me recently. A classmate of mine Kim Johnson (but back when I knew her in school she was Kim Mancl) is fighting breast cancer and hundreds of people have rallied around her to buy shirts and follow her story and send “shout outs.”
Kim is so appreciative of the support, which helps her cope with her struggles.
“The outpouring love and support from ALL my family and friends, my amazing co-workers, the entire staff at the Marshfield Clinic in many departments that worked with me, my neighbors, our church family and just the whole community of Stratford and Marshfield has been so gratefully appreciated. People came out of the woodwork offering their time for me and my family. It really says a lot about who you are as a person. I’m very loved and so blessed. I was never going to stand alone in this fight and I realized that right away. If this was someone else and roles were switched, I would do the exact same for anyone,” she said.
The 5k for Kim and Kate Walk/Run is being hosted this weekend to raise funds and awareness to help Kim, who is fighting breast cancer and her friend Kate who is fighting ovarian cancer. It is being hosted this Saturday, April 23 at the Stratford Track and Field.
One way Kim feels she can help is to inspire others and encourage others to be aware of what they can do for prevention.
“So please if I can change someone’s outlook on life when times are rough I would tell you all to rely on your family and friends and keep an open mind. Overall, I want to be that voice, I want to inspire others and I extremely encourage others to perform monthly self breast exams! Early detection is key. God bless you all! You are warriors and fighters, and I pray for the ones every night who are dealing with this awful illness or who have lost the fight, “ she said.
One of the things I love about a small town like Marshfield is that, maybe more than in a large city, we are all connected. We can help each other and support each other a bit more, like in Kim’s case.
In a strange way, social media does that for us all…helps us to learn each other’s stories and gives us an avenue to reach out and help.
For more info about the 5k for Kim and Kate Walk/Run click here.